IoT solution for displacement monitoring and early-warning
In order to face the problem of realization of reliable and economic solutions dedicated to monitoring and early-warning of critical areas and structures subject to hydrogeological instability, YETITMOVES has developed DISPLAYCE.
DISPLAYCE is an innovative Internet of Things solution based on low cost, single/double frequency GNSS components capable of competing with the professional instrumentation currently on the market both in terms of reliability and efficiency.
Monitoring and early-warning of areas subject to hydrogeological instability (slope instability, bradyseism, sinking, subsidence, volcanism).
Monitoring and early-warning of critical infrastructures such as water pipelines, geothermal energy plants, schools, dams, towers, high voltage pylons, chimneys, construction sites, bridges, viaducts, railways, highways, river basins, quarries, ports and natural gas storage sites, archaeological sites and historical buildings.
Compared to GNSS instrumentation commonly used for geophysical and structural monitoring applications, DISPLAYCE has a number of innovative technological features:
DISPLAYCE sensors are compact, lightweight and completely autonomous from the point of view of data transmission and power supply (batteries ensure an autonomy of at least 10 days in the absence of external power supply). These features make them easy and fast to install both on the ground and on buildings or infrastructures.
The DISPLAYCE system is complete: it includes everything you need to carry out the monitoring: GNSS sensors, real-time data transmission system, software for acquisition and calculation of measurements, client applications for viewing the historical series of measurements and the status of the monitoring network, e-mail and/or SMS alert system in case of malfunctions or abnormal movements detected. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
DISPLAYCE receivers have a unit cost lower than the instrumentation traditionally used for these applications and with similar performance. Even with a relatively low budget, it is possible to implement monitoring networks spread throughout the area of interest, with a sufficient number of sensors to keep under control the phenomenon in action.
DISPLAYCE complies with European standards (CE mark).

DISPLAYCE nodes are composed of single frequency GNSS stations that are lightweight, compact and energy efficient. Power is based on small batteries and solar panels, and an 868MHz wireless interface allows data transmission from one node to another. GNSS and telemetry data are sent in real time from a gateway node through a modem to a server where surface displacements are calculated (with millimetric repeatability) through a calculation engine developed by YETITMOVES.
The server publishes the calculated data through REST web services. The data can be easily integrated into existing monitoring or early-warning systems. A desktop client application (dashboard) allows the visualization of the monitoring network status (battery and PV panel voltages, GNSS data quality, wireless transmission efficiency, etc.), system configuration parameters and calculated displacements.